Directed by Madeleine Sackler
Written by Stephen Belber
O.G. follows Louis (Jeffrey Wright), once the head of a prominent prison gang, in the final weeks of his 24-year sentence. His impending release is upended when he takes new arrival Beecher (Theothus Carter), who is being courted by gang leadership, under his wing. Coming to grips with the indelibility of his crime and the challenge of reentering society, Louis finds his freedom hanging in the balance as he struggles to save Beecher. Groundbreaking in being filmed at an actual prison, with many of the men incarcerated there cast in acting roles, O.G. takes an intimate and unflinching look at the journey of one man at the precipice of freedom.​
The film premiered at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival, along with It's a Hard Truth Ain't It. Wright was awarded Best Actor in a U.S. Narrative Feature Film. Theothus Carter and William Fichtner also star.